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Contraband statement:
I do not receive any national regulations of the contraband goods, the Secretary also for the strict examination of contraband!
1, difficult to estimate the value of securities
Such as: Bill of lading, verification form, passport, quota license, license, license, personal documents, draft, invoice, etc..
2, easy to lose valuables
Such as: national or foreign currency (cash), gold and silver ornaments, artificial jewelry, mobile phones, etc..
3, flammable, explosive, corrosive, toxic, strong acid and alkali and radioactive dangerous goods
Such as: matches, detonators, explosives, firecrackers, gasoline, diesel oil, kerosene, alcohol (liquid and solid), sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, organic solvents, pesticides and other included in the chemical industry publishing house of the "dangerous chemical product practical manual" of chemical products.
4, all kinds of strong poison, narcotic drugs and mental items
Such as: arsenic, opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, etc..
5, the state law prohibits the circulation or shipment of goods
Such as: cultural relics, weapons, ammunition, simulation weapons, etc..
6, medical samples
Such as: blood, urine samples, the diagnosis of human tissue, etc..
7, antiques and handicrafts
Such as: Ming Dynasty porcelain, exquisite glass products, etc..
8, brand-name products, second-hand private goods (old).
9, food category.
10, containing reactionary, obscene or indecent content of books, newspapers, pictures, publicity materials, audio and video products, laser disc (VCD, DVD, LD), computer disks and CDs.
11, prevent public health, such as bones (including burned bones), without tanned skins, without medicine for animal bones.
12, animals, plants and their specimens.
13, difficult to identify the ingredients of white powder.
14, fragile products: glass products.
15, private letters, etc..
16, other air embargo
Pulverous goods (irrespective of color), liquid (no matter what kind of packaging), outer packing a risk marker for goods, there is no national audio and video publishing house proof of audiovisual products (including CD, VCD), tool, durian, with gas lighter, relates to the concept of "weapons" and "guns" any goods (including toys, battery and motor power more than 100W products.
17, maritime transport goods refused to transport.
Dangerous goods description:
1, dangerous goods definition
Where has the property of explosive, flammable, corrosive, etc., in the transport, storage and storage process, easy to cause the personal injury and property damage and in need of special protection of goods are dangerous goods, dangerous goods. Such as: in the air transport, the paint, dry ice, a battery, a battery, a lamp, compressed gas, inflammable and explosive materials, magnetic materials, items with strong smell, stimulation or corrosive liquids are classified as dangerous goods.
2, dangerous goods transport guide
1) dangerous goods declaration: declaration for dangerous goods complete is the responsibility of the shipper must correctly and faithfully fill in, at the same time, to ensure the cargo ready in full compliance with the provisions of the international, national and China Cargo Airlines.
2) dangerous goods packaging: the packaging of the shipper must be in line with the requirements of the IATA (International Air Transport Association).
A. general dangerous goods shall be in accordance with the provisions of the quantity contained in the corresponding container and is firmly sealed, the container should be to prevent the contents in the transportation process due to changes in environmental conditions and explosion, fire, loss and leakage.
B. inner packing shall be in the case of a broken and anti - shock liner, and the liquid should be moisture absorbent, in order to ensure that the transport process is not caused by friction and damage, pollution and other goods.
The dangerous goods in the C. package can not be a dangerous reaction with the packing material and the liner.
D. the shipper may use international standard package or homemade package, the carrier has the right packaging do not meet the provisions of goods refuse collection and transportation.
3) dangerous goods text markup: dangerous goods packages and synthetic packing member must by the shipper in English annotation of dangerous goods transport special name, the number of dangerous goods, the shipper and the consignee's name and address, if necessary, also indicated the weight and use of dangerous goods, transport of the matters needing attention.
4) dangerous goods label: hazard label and label must be specific provisions according to IATA (International Air Transport Association) of the dangerous goods regulations ", select the apply label.

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